Monday, 10/12/09: A day of snow! I got excited about wearing my snow boots and couldn't decide which picture was best, so there are three. :)
And a shot of my boots:
Tuesday, 10/13/09

Wednesday, 10/14/09: My favorite part about this outfit is the pockets on the shirt.

Thursday, 10/15/09: I think this is the last day I had my gold star earrings. I forgot to take them out for frisbee practice and they disappeared somehow. :/
Friday, 10/16/09: I love the colors of this outfit. I'm also really glad that my armwarmers are seeing good use these days. :)

So there's fifth week, finally! Hopefully next week [or in a few days, actually] I'll get back to posting on time. :) Also, this is silly of me, but I only just realized that you can click on the pictures to make them bigger! So maybe it's actually possible to tell what earrings I'm wearing sometimes.
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