Sunday, November 1, 2009

week 7

Hurray for another on-time post! This week was relatively warm, so I got excited and wore lots of skirts. :) On another note, I can't decide how to format the dates for the pictures - day of the week, date, with dots or dashes or writing it out. I've done a different way pretty much every post. Any opinions?

 10.26.09 - More armwarmers! I hardly ever wear these, so in an effort to match them that day I went brown-and-blue crazy - I'm also wearing my brown boots, which I forgot to include in the picture.

10.27.09 - In retrospect, I can't decide if this combination actually looks okay or not.

10.28.09 - A boring day. I wore this sweatshirt all the time last year, but this is the first time for this year.

10.30.09 - A rainy day! I really like this outfit, actually. Plus French braids make any day a good day. :)

10.30.09 - Because I couldn't be on campus for Halloween, I decided to go Halloween-y the day before. :)

Here's a close-up of my hair,which was really just me not taking out the French braids all the way after sleeping in them, but which I think looks cool. And also my Halloween earrings! I have three piercings per ear now, so I can wear every pair at once, which is exciting since I can really only wear them once a year. :D

10.31.09 - 11.01.09 - Our team theme for the Hallowinona tournament was spandexual obscure holidays, so I bought [shiny!] silver spandex and wrote compliments all over two t-shirts to be National Compliment Day. :D

I'm not going to lie, I really enjoyed the shiny spandex. :)


  1. I LOOK SO HOT IN THAT PICTURE. Five in the morning ftw! On the bright side, you actually do look cute.

  2. I lurveeee your rainboots and your hair after braids being taken out. <3 muahhh
